
情報処理学会論文誌 62, 4, 1113-1127 (2021)
Stress Estimation Based on Spatiotemporal Analysis of Smartphone Usage and Sensor Data (in Japanese)


T. Hamatani, K. Ochiai, N. Yamamoto, Y. Fukazawa, M. Kimoto, K. Kaminishi, J. Ota, Y. Terasawa, T. Okimura and T. Maeda


Journal paper


With the spread of smartphones worldwide, there have been growing interests in healthcare using smartphones recently. Smartphones are expected to understand psychological context of those owners because they are usually with owners. In this study, we propose a method to estimate human stress using usage and sensor logs in a smartphone with consideration of spatiotemporal context. To extract spatial contexts of users, the proposed method presents an algorithm of stay detection in most important points that play the role of home and workplace. Our evaluation revealed that the proposed spatial features were effective to extract important contexts related to human stress and successfully combined with the chronological features to improve stress estimation with up to 88.7% accuracy.
研究室ホームページ構築&運用サービス 年額39,8000円+税 お試し無料