
2018 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS) (2018)
Musculoskeletal simulations to investigate influences of muscle weakness and sensory noise to postural control with high stiffness


K Kaminishi, R Chiba, K Takakusaki, and J. Ota


Refereed conference paper


While standing, the elderly exhibit different move- ment behaviors compared to young people. However, the causes of these differences remain clear. The purpose of this study was to verify a hypothesis that only the magnitude of sensory noise and stiffness can reproducibly determine trends in the hip or ankle movement strategies. Simulations of postural control of a musculoskeletal model for three noise conditions and three stiffness conditions were performed. Variations in the angles of the hip and ankle suggested that the sensory noise amplitude had no influence on the selection. However, the ankle strategy tended to be selected with the increase of stiffness. Strategy shifts of elderly may be derived from other components; muscle weakness, increase of neurological time delay, or learning based on other evaluation index.
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