
UbiComp '19: The 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (2019)
Automated inference of cognitive performance by fusing multimodal information acquired by smartphone


T. Hamatani, K. Ochiai, A. Inagaki, N. Yamamoto, Y. Fukazawa, M. Kimoto, K. Kiriu, K. Kaminishi, J. Ota, Y. Terasawa, T. Okimura, and T. Maeda


Refereed conference paper


Recognizing human cognitive performance is important for preserving working efficiency and preventing human error. This paper presents a method for estimating cognitive performance by leveraging multiple information available in a smartphone. The method employs the Go-NoGo task to measure cognitive performance, and fuses contextual and behavioral features to identify the level of performance. It was confirmed that the proposed method could recognize whether cognitive performance was high or low with an average accuracy of 71%, even when only referring to inertial sensor logs. Combining sensing modalities improved the accuracy up to 74%.
研究室ホームページ構築&運用サービス 年額39,8000円+税 お試し無料